But, the problem we come upon, as I’ve learned so many times in ministry, is that we can’t always define the words we’re using. William Wallace may have screamed “FREEDOM!” in London but it is central to the ethos of our country. It’s what Arnold said about freedom that I want to focus on.

You can not just say ‘I have the right to X, Y, and Z’ when you affect other people.” It kills people and the only way we prevent it is: get vaccinated, wear masks, do social distancing, washing your hands all the time, and not just to think about, ‘Well my freedom is being kind of disturbed here.’ No, screw your freedom, because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities. Here’s the portion of his rant that has Arnold posters being ripped off gym walls: It has to do with something that we’re all about in this country, FREEDOM. But, there’s one line in there that has rubbed some nerves raw.

He calls people to accept that it exists, to wash their hands, social distance, and wear masks. On August 11th, the Terminator himself made an Instagram post using a portion of an interview he was in on CNN calling people to work together to curb the tide of COVID. But, two weeks ago the Governator said some things in an interview and on his Instagram that has people in the fitness industry, and other areas, very upset with him and withdrawing their support of anything with his name on it and ripping his posters off their gym walls. No matter where you know him from he probably has the highest regard in the fitness industry, which gave him his stepstool to stardom. Whether you voted for or against him as the governor of California, or you’ve enjoyed his action packed movies such as Terminator, Conan, or one of my favorites Kindergarten Cop, or you are a bodybuilding fan which goes to the root of his immigration here to the U.S.A, Arnold Schwarzenegger is an international star.